The Club Prez was ready to tough it out in the van and even managed to bring a sleeping bag for the offspring in case they got cold not sleeping in the van.
After an uneventful trip through Grafton, the Summerland Way and some places that didn't appear on any GPS we arrived at Emu Creek. If the access road to the camping area was any indication we were in for a great time.
We had met the Chief at Casino and were pleased to see that he had brought along a spare Jeep in case there were any issues with the larger version. Luckily the weekend progressed well for the Chief and the back-up didn't come off the trailer.
Zane managed to get there in mostly one piece although Precious was under repair through-out the weekend. She did manage to come home to Coffs under the careful encouragement of Zane occassionly muttering 'stupid Jeeps' over Ch 18.
The roads and tracks at the park were under-going restoration and expansion so the map gradings didn't quite match the roads but there were enough rocks, creeks and hills to keep most happy.
Meanwhile back at camp Denis' new beauty was sitting quietly. It was only disturbed when Denis came over to brush off some dust. Big Bird is still in the shop getting ready for Jamboree.
Night time revealed a bunch of Jeepers telling lies around the camp fire. As the night went on the lies got bigger and the memories more sketchy. See if you can pick the faces from our hidden camera. The ones with their eyes open are telling the most lies.
Back on the tracks for Day 3 and the Ed-in-Chief was happy that everyone seemed to be negotiating the tricky rocks with care.
And then there was Matt. Thinking that the way everyone else had gone was wrong Matt had a experience in recovery under the watchful eyes of experts and novices alike.
Tool boxes and Jeeps were searched for parts and spares and tools. Unhappily no one was carrying a spare left hand C clip rear axle and Matt's machine was secured to be recovered another day.
Back at camp and not worried too much about the XJ in the bush most went mudding while others packed up to head home.
Back on the road and a masterful repair on a JK involved assessment, calculation, discussion, borrowing, welding and a good deal of safe traffic management. Eventually the JK was road ready and got back to Coffs safely